

As a matter of Company policy, we hereby provide this Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. It effectively serves as a guide to acceptable business conduct for all employees. Because they represent the Company and our brand, we expect everyone who works for us to demonstrate exemplary standards of ethics and integrity. Therefore, our employees must therefore abide by the following principles.

Foster Trust and Belief

We cannot succeed as a business without the trust and confidence instilled in our employees, customers and shareholders. We earn it by keeping our promises, acting with honesty and integrity and reaching company goals solely through proper conduct.

Accordingly, the key question to ask in any decision-making process is: will this establish or enhance trust and belief in our business? Will it create an atmosphere conducive to ongoing positivity and success? Will I be able to deliver what I’ve promised without sacrificing quality or compromising my personal and professional integrity? Remember, the only way to build upon existing trust and belief in our business is with affirmative answers to all of these questions.

Foster Respect in the Workplace

As a business predicated on fairness and positivity, we believe an effective workplace can only exist when employees are fully committed to treating one another with respect.

Furthermore, as an equal employment/affirmative action employer, we are compelled to provide a workplace devoid of discrimination and/or abusive, offensive or harassing conduct. Any employee who experiences harassment or discrimination should report the matter to his or her direct supervisor or to someone in Human Resources.

Foster Constructive Dialogue

We equate effective communication with respect. We also believe that any employee should feel free to voice any concern about work-related matters without fear of reprisal. This means that it is up to any employee in a supervisory position to establish and maintain an atmosphere conducive to open and honest communication.

Appropriate action will be taken where there is a valid finding of wrongful conduct.

Lead by Example

We encourage our employees to always believe in setting positive example for others to emulate in our quest to excellence and equal opportunity working atmosphere.

Compliance with all Applicable Policies and Laws

Compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws is a fundamental aspect of our commitment to integrity. An individual understanding of relevant company policies, laws, rules and regulations is also required. Accordingly, any employee with doubts about whether potential action complies with applicable law or Company policy should not take any action without obtaining the advice of a relevant expert. Each and every employee is responsible for preventing and reporting violations or potential violations.

Safeguarding Inside Information

The deliberate or inadvertent disclosure in any forum of any inside information regarding the company, its business practices, strategies, financial status, operational results or similar information is strictly prohibited. Employees tasked with crafting presentations or proposals should be especially mindful of these restrictions.

Avoid Conflicts of Interest

Any and all relationships or activities that actually compromise or could potentially compromise any employee’s fairness or objectivity should be avoided. In this context, professional integrity is paramount. This means that use of company property or information for personal gain is strictly prohibited.

It is sometimes difficult to determine whether certain activity constitutes a conflict of interest. Any employee with doubts about whether certain conduct actually is or could be construed, as conflict of interest should consult a supervisor before taking any action.

Corporate Record keeping

We create, retain and dispose of our official documents as part of our normal course of business in accordance with applicable company policies and procedures; and in compliance with all regulatory and legal requirements.


Each and every employee must familiarize himself or herself with this Code and act accordingly. Each and every employee is ethically obligated to ask questions if he or she is unsure of company policy. Each and every employee is ethically obligated to contact the Human Resources department if he or she has any concerns about compliance with or violations of this Code. The values and principles included herein are taken seriously, and violations are cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Protection of confidential company information, customers and other business partners is key to our success. This includes but is not limited to pricing and financial data, customer names/addresses or non public information about other companies, including current or potential suppliers and vendors.

Disclosure of such information is not permitted without proper authorisation.

Use of Company Assets

Company assets, including time, material, equipment and information, are provided for professional use. Employees and those who represent the company are entrusted with responsible use of such material. Managers are responsible for the material assigned to their departments and are empowered to resolve issues concerning its proper use.

Generally, the use of company equipment such as computers, copiers and fax machines for outside business purposes or other outside daily activity is not permitted. Distribution of information or material not relevant to the company, its products or services, by any employee in work areas or during work hours is not allowed.

In order to protect the interests of the company and our employees, we reserve the right to monitor or review all data and information contained on an employee’s company-issued computer or electronic device, the use of the Internet or company intranet. Use of company resources to create, access, store, print, solicit or send any materials that are harassing, threatening, abusive, sexually explicit or otherwise offensive or inappropriate is prohibited.


Transparency involves accurately representing facts, telling a truth in its entirety and communicating clearly and openly about everything a company does and says. It is the foundation of a strong relationship with customers, which directly impacts the success and stability of a company.


We expect all the employees to fully comply with the company policies and in case of doubt should get it clarified from the HR team.
